Portfolio Power-Up:
Building Your Radiology Credentials
- Familiarise yourself with the Person specification and entry criteria:
- Familiarise yourself with the 2024 Radiology ST1 Assessment Guidance
- Then quickly calculate your application score here:
- Domains may be subject to change.

- Upon scoring, you’ll gain a clear direction on which Domains to prioritize in the upcoming months to maximize your scores.
- Please note all portfolio achievements must:
- 1. Be dated within the last 10 years &/or
2. Occur after the commencement of your first relevant undergraduate degree.
Exceptions being: formal teaching qualifications obtained prior studying medicine.
3. Be evidenced with a letter or certificate.
4. Not include any achievement which is not fully completed at the time of application closure.
Exceptions being publications if:
○ Accepted by the journal
○ Passed peer review, but remain “in press” or “pre-print”.
○ Acceptance letter from the relevant editor.
Any roles claimed above must have been held for a minimum period of 6 months. Although positions related to radiology carry more weight, such as committee roles in radiology societies during university, you may draw upon experiences from non-medical contexts, such as leadership roles in university societies or hobbies. National-level roles hold more significance than regional or local ones, but any involvement you’ve had would be valuable in order to claim points. Examples: ➸ Formal teaching qualifications obtained prior studying medicine can be scored and claimed ➸ The best and cost effective way to score on this domain is via 2 day Teach the teacher courses. Postgraduate Cert/Diplomas may be trickier to achieve due to timescale and costs. FutureLearn – Free for NHS staff https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/train-the-healthcare-trainer Erudical £137 Oxford £399 ISC Medical £349 https://www.medical-interviews.co.uk/product/teach-the-teachertrain-the-trainer-coursex Tips: Resources: https://www.rcr.ac.uk/career-development/audit-quality-improvement/auditlive-radiology
Commitment to Speciality
Candidates can showcase their dedication to clinical radiology through a range of experiences.
Scores are awarded based on the depth of their involvement, from exposure to the field e.g. tasters, & via attending courses or conferences.➸ A template of the taster letter can be found under Key Documents & Templates
Leadership & Management
UKRST Leadership Roles – 2024 applications now closed Teaching & Training
Formal teaching qualifications
Audit and Quality Improvement Projects
2 birds, 1 stone!Academic Achievements
Prizes and Awards
Application: Do’s & Don’ts
- Register for an account on Oriel to be able to apply once the vacancy appears:
- Keep your login details safe.
- Be aware of Recruitment timelines: Applications usually open October-November.
- A specific timeline for the next recruitment cycle will be published in due course.
- Determine early whether a CREST (Certificate of Readiness to Enter Specialty Training) form is needed:
- Start gathering supporting documents, such as references and certificates, well in advance to avoid last-minute scrambling.
- Start preparing for the MSRA (Multi Specialty Recruitment Assessment) exam as early as you can.
- Do not over-claim or over-score yourself.
- Do not submit the application too early or rush through the form.
Take your time during the open application period to fill out, review and ensure all information is correct before submitting. - Do not leave submitting the application till the last minute
MSRA Mastery: Preparing for Success
MSRA Resources
Situation Judgement Test:
GMC Good medical practice reading:
Good medical practice – English – GMC
UKFPO SJT practice:
Practice SJT papers – UK Foundation Programme
HEE SJT Practice
Question Banks:
Passmedicine – 2023 Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA)
4 months – £25
6 months – £30
Pastest MRSA Revision
4 months – £35
8 months – £55
4 months -£60
Radiant Futures: Nailing the Interview
Join UKRST Interview courses & Mock interviews!
Dates for upcoming application cycle TBC
Station A
- Prioritisation of clinical scenarios: 1 minute reading & 6 minutes questions/discussion.
- 5 clinical scenarios: Rank them in order of urgency.
- Ethical scenarios may be a part of this station.
- Consider patient safety, clinical emergency, correct/appropriateness of modality and justification of request.
- 3 minute section may involve questions not related prioritisation, so may also assess commitment to radiology.
Station B:
- Likely to assess commitment to radiology.
- May involve knowledge of the specialty, skills of a radiologist and radiology specific questions.
- 10 minutes.
- Done virtually so test the software, internet and device well in advance.
- Join the interview early.
- Make your answers personal and unique to you.
- Share stories from your own experiences, like from taster weeks. Prepare specific examples.
- Stay away from generic boring answers.
- Keep it short and sweet, highlighting the important stuff.
- And be prepared to justify and explain scores.
Answering Interview Questions:
Being acquainted with interview techniques such as:
- CAMP (Clinical, Academic, Management, and Personal)
- STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result)
- & SPIES (Seek Information, Patient Safety, Initiative, Escalate, Support)
…will go a long way in ensuring your responses are effective.Resources
ISC Medical interviews book by Oliver Picard
HEE Interview Resource
The Finish Line: Securing Job Offers & Region Preferences
The weighting for your ranking considers multiple factors:
MSRA will no longer be counted towards the final weighting.
Your self-assessment portfolio carries a weight of 40% in the overall evaluation.
The interview contributes the most signifcantly, accounting for 60% of your final ranking.
Preferencing opens after interviews – usually late March.
This involves arranging locations/schemes in order of preferred place of training.
If you place a location under the “no preference” section, you will not be considered for an offer there.
There may be multiple rounds of preferences as offers get accepted/rejected, allowing you multiple opportunities to change location rankings if needed. Offers may continue to be made as late as May/July.
Use the full screen button ⛶ to switch to full screen in order navigate the document easily on your screen.
Key Links & Templates
2024 Clinical Radiology ST1 Self-Assessment Guidance
Recruitment timelines
Find out all the information you need to apply for training in the specialty of Clinical Radiology:
Taster Letter Template
Please adjust/reword as needed.
│ [Hospital Headed letter] │
To whom it may concern
I am pleased to confirm that [Name] has completed a 3-day taster program in our Clinical Radiology department from [Start Date] to [End Date]. [Name] has shown a strong commitment to learning and a genuine interest in the field of Radiology.
The aims and objectives of the Taster Week were: [insert information and confirm this has been achieved]
As requested, please find below a timetable for [Name] during their taster period:
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
AM |
x |
CT |
x |
PM |
x |
CT |
IR |
Plain Film |
x |
[Taster Supervisor Name]
Audit Letter Template
Similar format to above with the following content: [Name] has led an audit entitled: [Audit Title /Name], on [Date], which can be shown to have resulted in changed practice.
Try and include as many details as possible, such as the location and your role at the time of the audit.